The Song of Songs of the plant kingdom – flowers and fruits – serves as the lure where color and form snare the senses. For many species, there are seduction algorithms tailored to sight or scent that evolution adeptly adjusts. Seduction is a finely tuned mechanism of the law of life, ensuring survival. Just like in all life forms, there is a time to blossom, allure, and eventually wither away. For artists, aging, coherence and the varied loss of function – whether it be rapid aging akin to that of a camellia or magnolia, or intricate like the lemon tree flower – serve as a wellspring of beauty. The same skin creases, the shrinking of shapes, the loss of vibrant color, and the inevitable loss of vitality preceding the fall, death, and the resurgence of genes. In this series of flowers and fruits, Fátima Carvalho demonstrates how seduction continues to wield its influence when seen through the lens of photography.